Showing all 9 results

Broken Road ST NX Eagle Supply

Original price was: $2,249.00.Current price is: $674.70.
Broken Road ST NX Eagle Steel wilderness hardtail for big mountain days and fully loaded adventures off the beaten track.

Broken Road Ti NX Eagle Online Sale

Original price was: $2,799.00.Current price is: $839.70.
Broken Road Ti NX Eagle Multi-day titanium expedition hardtail designed for big mountain days and fully loaded adventures. Plush 29er

Broken Road Ti Pinion Hot on Sale

Original price was: $5,149.00.Current price is: $1,544.70.
Broken Road Ti Pinion Multi-day titanium expedition hardtail designed for big mountain days and fully loaded adventures. Plush 29er tyres

Cortex NX Eagle Supply

Original price was: $2,449.00.Current price is: $734.70.
Cortex NX Eagle Fast and agile, Cortex is a mid-travel full suspension trail bike for big mountain epics on all

Evol SX Eagle Fashion

Original price was: $1,899.00.Current price is: $569.70.
Evol SX Eagle Super fast, super stiff, and all-day pedalable. For local trails, trail-centres, hike-a-bike and enduro duty. Evol keeps

Frontier NX Eagle Fashion

Original price was: $1,799.00.Current price is: $539.70.
Frontier NX Eagle At a glance SRAM NX Eagle 12-speed groupset Rockshox Recon Silver RL fork Sonder Nova 27.5 /

Signal ST NX Eagle Supply

Original price was: $2,349.00.Current price is: $704.70.
Signal ST NX Eagle The Signal is for flat out speed. It pedals like an XC bike, descends like an

Signal Ti NX Eagle Supply

Original price was: $2,999.00.Current price is: $899.70.
Signal Ti NX Eagle The Signal is fast, it’s for flat out speed. It pedals like an XC bike, descends

Transmitter NX Eagle Discount

Original price was: $2,149.00.Current price is: $644.70.
Transmitter NX Eagle Ultra-capable 27.5″ hardtail – fast, lively and precise. Cut trails like a scalpel. Transmitter flows across cambers,